I have in my possession four precious meyer lemons. they grew on a tree in berkeley, ca and arrived at my desk by way of chris, my friend and manager of my current "air" project at continuum. the tree is his grandmother's.
meyer lemons are fragrant and petite, a cross between the lemon and mandarin orange, according to katharina, another fellow colleague and lover of all good things to eat. katharina and i once steamed artichokes in our company kitchen, dabbing the prized leaves in a blend of meyer lemon juice, olive oil, and sea salt.
as i have been told, i need to make good use of all parts of these lemons - rind, zest, juice, everything. and so i am currently searching for all good dishes infused with lemon. just as the eskimo appreciate the whale, i will appreciate my meyer lemon.
(thank you, chris and chris's grandmother!).
GlutenFree Girl was talking about some meyer lemon sea salt, she might have even made it, and it sounded amazing. SO that's my vote for the zest/rind...
If you have a japanese mandoline you can slice super thin rounds of lemon and put them on just about everything. the advantage of meyers is that their skin is very very thin making the slices 100% edible. throw a couple in salads, on a nice deep red piece of maguro or even on greens. also, they're so sweet that if you grate some ginger and squeeze some lemon and grate just a bit of rind you'll make ANYTHING better than it already is. i'm trying to divert more outgoing lemon shipments from berkeley to boston. stay tuned.
mmmm I must get my hands on these lemons. . . i LOVE lemons
What a wonderful post! And what a wonderful gift ... 4 Meyer lemons!
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